sábado, octubre 15, 2005

Learning Through Experience: The Dialogue Necessary To Learn With Technology

Published on Monday, September 26, 2005 - 11:58 PM PST Source: Associated Colleges of the South
“. . empowering learners to design and produce their own knowledge representations and educational communications can be a powerful learning experience” -Reeves, 1998 .1
IntroductionWe propose integrating video technology into course content in a way that allows learning with the technology in addition to learning from it.2; 3 Learning from technology is frequently a component of coursework. Instructors use technology to create and present course information in multiple representations – text, audio, images, and problem solving exercises. Cognitive psychology-based research on learning and performance demonstrates that student learning can be facilitated by appropriate use of multimodal information.4 Thoughtful incorporation of information in multiple formats during instruction presents the information at the right level of abstraction for the learner. 5 When designed with the learning outcome in mind, integrating multiple formats should minimize the cognitive workload. It boils down to interpreting the signal-to-noise ratio for a particular learning task. In general, learners perform better at less complex tasks with fewer stimuli. If text will meet the learner’s needs, then do not add graphics or audio. Extraneous information in multiple forms becomes "noise" to the learner. Learners are more likely to benefit from more stimuli or signals when they are presented with greater levels of abstractness in complex tasks. The multiple representation of information is interpreted as part of the signal, not as noise, and is used by the learner to solve the task.5; 6 This expression of the signal-to-noise ratio is very dependent on the specific learning task and emphasizes the need for careful evaluation of the levels of abstractness within a learning task. 7
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Open And Distance Education Through Wireless Mobile Internet: A Learning Model

Published on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 01:42 AM PST Source: International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning
Technology has been the driving force to bring paradigm shifts in education. Big changes are not possible unless tools are available. Technology has great impact on what we can do. The printing press is an example. People had been reading and writing even before the invention of the press but it was not that wide spread.
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sábado, octubre 08, 2005

La integración LAMS-Moodle en fase beta

Fuente. OCTETO

# CENT 28/09/2005 - 16:20 h
La LAMS Foundation ha anunciado que el proyecto de integración entre LAMS y Moodle está ya en fase beta. Los interesados en participar como "beta testers" pueden solicitar una cuenta de usuario en el servidor Moodle de pruebas que mantiene la LAMS Foundation. Se espera que dicha integración esté finalizada para la versión 1.6. de Moodle.

Número especial de JiME sobre Learning Design

Fuente: OCTETO
# CENT 27/09/2005 - 13:30 h

Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JiME) publicó en agosto un número especial sobre Learning Design (LD), «Advances in Learning Design», con dieciséis artículos que «abarcan temas tales como el diseño de herramientas LD (editores y reproductores), el rol de ontologías y patrones en el diseño del aprendizaje, la introducción de LD en instituciones y el uso de LD con otras especificaciones.»

Uno de los artículos recoge el debate de la comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores de Moodle acerca de la utilización y la integración de Learning Design en Moodle. El resto de artículos hacen referencia a capítulos del libro Learning Design: A Handbook on Modelling and Delivering Networked Education and Training.