domingo, abril 17, 2016


The 4 Best Tricks to Help Learners Remember Your Content

Posted by Karla Gutierrez on Tue, Apr 12, 2016 @ 12:00 PM

It’s happened to all of us: we’re presented with information and yet we forget it. Why does it happen?
One of the most common reasons is because our attention is elsewhere. It’s similar to what happens when a student is attending a lecture, yet is simultaneously spending time on their smartphone. While they may be physically present in the lecture, their divided attention leads to a failure to retain most, if not all, of the information taught. 
Another reason we don’t encode information is because we don’t see it as relevant. If you’re training employees and they don’t see content directly related to their job or their career growth, they’re likely to lose focus and fail to embed the information in their memory.